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Take a peek inside our Wonderworld

Cher Pruys

Cher Pruys was born in Regina. Over the years she lived in many places including Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Fort Frances, settling into her present home in Devlin, on the banks of the Rainy River with her husband Mark, 4 dogs and 2 cats.

She worked in pencil, charcoal and ink over the years, until she picked up a paintbrush at the age of 35.

Take a peek inside our Wonderworld

Iryna Akimova

Cher Pruys was born in Regina. Over the years she lived in many places including Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Fort Frances, settling into her present home in Devlin, on the banks of the Rainy River with her husband Mark, 4 dogs and 2 cats.

She worked in pencil, charcoal and ink over the years, until she picked up a paintbrush at the age of 35.

Take a peek inside our Wonderworld

Carina Imbrogno

Cher Pruys was born in Regina. Over the years she lived in many places including Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Fort Frances, settling into her present home in Devlin, on the banks of the Rainy River with her husband Mark, 4 dogs and 2 cats.

She worked in pencil, charcoal and ink over the years, until she picked up a paintbrush at the age of 35.

Take a peek inside our Wonderworld

Jeff Newman

Cher Pruys was born in Regina. Over the years she lived in many places including Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Fort Frances, settling into her present home in Devlin, on the banks of the Rainy River with her husband Mark, 4 dogs and 2 cats.

She worked in pencil, charcoal and ink over the years, until she picked up a paintbrush at the age of 35.

Take a peek inside our Wonderworld

Carly Tyll

Cher Pruys was born in Regina. Over the years she lived in many places including Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Fort Frances, settling into her present home in Devlin, on the banks of the Rainy River with her husband Mark, 4 dogs and 2 cats.

She worked in pencil, charcoal and ink over the years, until she picked up a paintbrush at the age of 35.

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